Plenary 6: SYNCing to End the Epidemics Through Health Departments
Health departments are at the forefront of ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S. Starting in 2019, 57 jurisdictions were accountable for making and tracking progress towards national EHE goals and indicators. One year later, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in unprecedented opportunities and challenges to meeting these goals. As telehealth services expanded, some individuals increased engagement in HIV care. Conversely, fewer individuals accessed HIV prevention and care services, the public health workforce shifted priority away from HIV to COVID-19 response, HIV planning transitioned to all-virtual, and many service providers had to suspend services or close their doors. While health departments continue to face obstacles, they have adapted and innovated to reduce new HIV infections in their jurisdictions. This plenary session will explore progress, challenges, and strategies towards meeting the EHE goal and indicators over the past year.
Anthony Fox, DC Department of Health
Emalie Huriaux, Integration, Hepatitis C, and Drug User Health Program Manager, Washington State Department of Health
Oskian Kouzouian, AHEAD Dashboard Lead, HHS
Fernando Mena-Carrasco, Chief of the Center for HIV/STI Integration and Capacity, Maryland Department of Health