Track Description: Identify solutions that make HIV care more accessible and that allow for a greater number of patients to be retained in care Identify how to forge partnerships and collaborations to decrease the fragmentation of community services made accessible to HIV positive patients Describe innovative data collection methodologies for program enhancement Determine how effective social marketing messaging can challenge social norms and HIV stigma Session #1: Linkage and Retention in Care for Health Outcomes Session Title: Equal and Equitable Care for Every Patient Through the Linkage to and Retention in Care Lens Session Description: Session Learning Objectives: Identify barriers to care and achievement of viral suppression Identify solutions that allow for wrap around services that make care accessible to clients in hard-to-reach areas Describe person-centered practices that increase client engagement and thus, linkage to care Understand the importance of health literacy in retaining patients in care Session #2: Partnerships and Integration Session Title: Forging Partnerships to End the Epidemic Session Description: Session Learning Objectives: Determine how to decrease fragmentation of care among the HIV positive reentry population through community service collaborations and provider trainings that aim to increase the delivery of culturally competent services Learn how to forge partnerships between hospital Emergency Departments and community providers to ensure that all HIV positive individuals have streamlined access to medical care Demonstrate the impact of collaborations among local ASOs, local health departments, and health systems on client health Define synergistic partnerships and identify how these partnerships make for the best practices for community engagement Session #3: Data Collection and Sharing Session Title: Data Collection for Program Enhancement Session Description: Session Learning Objectives: Identify key steps taken to initiate and maintain data to care within a large local health jurisdiction Empower leaders to rethink the role of the consumer as the “subject matter expert” within various care settings Learn a client satisfaction survey process that is less burdensome to the client and that measures different aspects of client satisfaction to provide results that will facilitate the adoption of appropriate QI activities Understand how to use existing staff and resources to form a multidisciplinary data collection team Session #4: Sexual Health Messaging Among MSM & Minorities Session Title: From Media Sexual Health Messaging to Treatment Session Description: Session Learning Objectives: Understand how investing in social marketing can change the conversation surrounding HIV and inform priority populations about local services Determine how effective social marketing messaging can challenge social norms and HIV stigma Learn how to integrate campaign materials to achieve organizational HIV communication goals
The Innovative Practice track features presentations from four programs that have implemented unique, leading-edge practices for HIV prevention and care across the continuum. Topics highlighted within these presentations include: bridging gaps that prevent HIV positive patients from being linked to medical care, utilizing synergistic partnerships to decrease the fragmentation of community services made accessible to HIV positive patients, utilizing data collection to enhance data collection methodologies, and effectively using media to reach and engage target populations in care.
Track Learning Objectives:
This session details solutions to overcoming universal barriers to care that prevent vulnerable populations from being linked to and retained in care. It also promotes reducing transmission rates at a population level through the expansion of medical care via support services, regular consistent patient-provider communication, and the formation of multidisciplinary treatment teams. Focusing on bridging the gaps that prevent HIV positive patients from being linked to medical care and retained in it, this session offers inventive solutions to the multitude of barriers that are encountered when doing so.
People living with HIV oftentimes have difficulty obtaining comprehensive care. This session depicts how collaborations among agencies can decrease the fragmentation of community services made accessible to HIV positive patients. These synergistic partnerships can help reduce the number of patients undiagnosed, decrease the number of patients who are diagnosed late, and ensure strong linkage to care. The integration of partnerships acts as a great avenue for keeping HIV positive patients retained in care by making a wide range of services easily available to patients at all stages of the continuum of care.
Effective data collection is of utmost importance in the advancement of all public health programs. This session details leading-edge practices in the realm of data collection. This session largely focuses on the importance of incorporating data collection metrics that aid in determining client satisfaction, specifically noting the importance of the use of focus groups and client satisfaction surveys when doing so. Also emphasized within this session, is the importance of creating multidisciplinary teams to develop, implement, and evaluate outcome measures focused on quality management. Overall, this session looks to propose innovative data collection methodologies for program enhancement.
Many Americans are not aware of PrEP or how effective antiretroviral medications are at improving the health of people living with HIV. This session details how strategically targeted and placed media can not only increase knowledge of HIV testing, PrEP, and treatment as prevention but also can connect people living with HIV to local HIV services. These efforts can ultimately decrease the stigma attached to receiving HIV treatment.