Track Description: 
Participants will learn about system based and client-centered approaches to increasing engagement and retention in PrEP. Topics covered will include model strategies for promoting PrEP adherence using technology, the importance of PEP as a gateway into PrEP usage, the prioritization of overlooked populations in PrEP outreach, and the incorporation of PrEP awareness into different areas of clinical practice. 

Track Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify examples of technological strategies used to enhance PrEP adherence monitoring and retention.

  2. Describe client-centered approaches for introducing PrEP and PEP in order to engage people in care. 

  3. Examine strategies for incorporating priority populations in PrEP engagement. 

  4. Discuss how to incorporate PrEP delivery into a variety of clinical settings. 

Session #1: Adherence & Retention
Session Title: Technology based strategies for improving PrEP adherence and promoting increased retention in care.

Session Description:
Participants will learn about tools to increase PrEP adherence and retention through virtual technologies and in-person practices.

Session Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the model of a smart phone app for increasing PrEP uptake and adherence

  2. Identify strategies for measuring and improving PrEP adherence with biomarkers and virtual apps

  3. Explain the most recent developments in PrEP adherence monitoring and support tactics

Session #2: Health Navigation and PrEP

Session Title: Listening first: client-centered approaches to engaging clients in PEP assessments and PrEP monitoring

Session Description:
Participants will explore client-centered approaches to engaging clients in PEP assessments and ongoing PrEP use. The presentations include practical risk assessments for PEP initiation and model practices for increasing client interest and engagement in PrEP.

Session Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify model practices for increasing client engagement through client-centered approaches

  2. Describe best opportunities for PEP intervention

  3. Identify client-centered approaches to conducting HIV risk and PEP screenings

Session #3: Scaling Within Priority Populations

Session Title: Complicating the narrative: discussing strategies for engaging priority populations in PrEP uptake and use

Session Description:
Participants will discuss strategies for engaging priority populations in PrEP uptake and ongoing use and explore the ways in which certain populations and their barriers have been left out of conversations about PrEP. The presentations focus on different priority populations, including people who have experienced intimate partner violence, gender and sexual minorities, and people experiencing financial instability. 

Session Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe how to create an environment that is safe and nonthreatening for clients.

  2. Identify the various layers of domestic violence and its impact on health.

  3. Describe gender disparities in PrEP access and prescription in the United States

Session #4: Health Systems and PrEP

Session Title: Systems based and provider led approaches to increasing PrEP engagement in a variety of clinical settings

Session Description:

Participants will explore unique settings and avenues for PrEP engagement and delivery. They will discuss strategies for training staff about PrEP, implementing PrEP in an emergency department, and a social media campaign to increase PrEP engagement through “influencers”. 

Session Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe how to evaluate a social media campaign to increase PrEP engagement.

  2. Identify common barriers for providers around initiation and management of PrEP.

  3. Identify two strategies to increase provider comfort in managing PrEP.

  4. Explain how PrEP can be implemented in emergency department settings.