Session Title: Syncing Activism, Advocacy & Organizing Through HIV Criminalization Modernization

Session Description: This session will educate participants about HIV and the criminalization of people living with HIV that is occurring domestically and globally. Knowledge of this issue coupled with other stigmatizing intersectionalities are what participants need in creating and building advocacy programs. The model of this session will be based off a coalition recently organized and two established movements as your key presenters which are – The Ending HIV Criminalization and Overincarceration in Virginia Coalition (ECHO VA), Florida HIV Justice Coalition, and the Georgia HIV Justice Coalition. 

Session Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the legal underpinnings of HIV criminalization across the United States.

  2. List at least three (3) lessons learned from the experiences of three (3) HIV Criminalization Modernization movements (Georgia HIV Justice Coalition, Florida HIV Justice Coalition, and Ending HIV Criminalization and Over Incarceration in Virginia Coalition). 

  3. Assess available resources to support advocacy efforts around HIV Criminalization.