Session Description: During this session, participants will learn how stigma undermines access to care in marginalized communities, most notably racial and ethnic groups and sexual and gender minorities, which bear a disparate burden of non-communicable and infectious diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis, and COVID-19. Stigma in this session will be described as a set of interrelated oppressions based on clients’ race, sexual orientation, gender expression, and/or health status. Several persons with HIV will describe the impact of stigma in their lives. Providers, in turn, will discuss evidence-based approaches to improving access to care among underserved client populations. Participants will have an opportunity to submit questions before and after the session. Session Learning Objectives: Describe the multifaceted, interrelated oppressions and biases that inform how stigma is enacted and reinforced at multiple levels (interpersonal, community, and societal/political) and experienced by individuals; Discuss how stigma undermines access to care, especially within underserved and marginalized communities; and Detail how providers address their own implicit biases, while working with their organization and beyond to create safe, stigma-free spaces for clients.